- Have two photographers working in pairs. There is a lot to capture on the day.
- If you have a videographer then make sure they know how to work with photographers. They are both trying to capture the same event, so you don’t them getting in each other’s way. This is a real issue.
- Have good, reliable equipment
- Have plenty of digital memory. This is quite cheap these days, so there is no excuse.
- Have plenty of spare batteries.
- Make backups of everything. You can perform backups between the ceremony and the reception.
- Remember that photos can be cropped and processed. So a lopsided photo might contain a good image when cropped and colour corrected.
- Scout out the venues beforehand and find good positions to capture events.
- Know some good local photography sites (local lookout, the Opera House, The Beach, Botanical Gardens) and take some bride/groom shots there.
- Know what to photograph and plan ahead.
- Know who to photograph. There are a lot of guest there, but you need some good images of the bride’s sisters, the in-laws, the master of ceremonies.
- A group photo is virtually essential.
- Know how to stay in the background. You are to capture everything important without interfering, without even being a part of it.
- Capture the vows, and any important part of the ceremony. Plan this head. capture anything that is a first kiss, first dance …etc.
- Capture little moments. These are part of the experience.