Nayla and Anthony celebrated their Wedding ceremony in the beautiful Miramare Garden among their family and friends. This amazing day was covered by Splendid Photo &Video team and we are glad to share some funfilled moments from this wonderful day of their life.At Splendid Photo & Video we understand the immense value of this big day and go to great lengths to capture every moment of your wedding. From the preparations to the final pomp and show, every instant from Nayla and Anthony’s wedding has been captured by us and put together in an awesome sequence to take them down the memory lane every time they decide to flip through the album. Our team of photographers ensure that every priceless moment is successfully framed by us to enrich your marriage experience.Nayla and Anthony loved our collection and were extremely happy with the unique concepts we used to design their photography sessions. Our crisp, high quality photographs and breathtaking concepts make us one of the best wedding Photographers in Sydney. It is essential to understand the emotion and the story behind every couple to truly bring life to their pictures. Our ability to do so makes us stand a class apart. If you wish to have the same unparalleled experience at your wedding, and ensure that every instant of that memory remains recorded by one of the Best wedding Photographers then drop a message with us and we will get back to you!