Despite all the technological advances in photography, even the best digital and traditional photography will not capture all the detail that we can see with a healthy pair of eyes. The exception is high dynamic range photography. But this uses some complex tricks to obtain a more detailed final image.Our eyes can detect very faint and fairly bright light. They will adjust to a bright or dim situation (the brightness) but also notice the faint and intense details of what they see (the contrast). A camera does not have the broad contrast of the human eye, so it will not pick up the faint or intense details in a photo. In most situations this does not matter too much; most daylight photos look fine if they are done artistically. But photos in the faint light, or photos of cities at night, will never look right in a normal photo because the faint and intense details are lost. This type of image will be best served with High Dynamic Range photography (HDR).

      Top Wedding Photography, High Dynamic Range

      HDR methods take three separate photos and combine them into a final image. This is an improvement over conventional photography because the three separate photos capture bright, medium and low-intensity light. The final combined image includes the high, medium and low-level details.HDR is great for static images at night, like a brightly lit fountain in front of the soft city lights. Normaly we are comromised by  situations where the lights are too bright, or the other details are too low. About the only disadvantage is that HDR does not work too well with moving subjects; the three photos of the HDR method are taken in rapid succession. If the object moves between the three photos then the final image suffers some blur.The best Wedding photography album may contain a few HDR images. These may be the best of a few situations, or just to produce an image for an enlargement.